'D — Coleção em Exposição' presents, in this Part 01, nine of the fifteen Portuguese designers that are part of 'Coleção D', published by the Imprensa Nacional, with the conception and art direction of Jorge Silva.
D — Coleção em Exposição [D — the collection on display] starts with nine of the fifteen Portuguese designers published in Coleção D [collection D], edited by Imprensa Nacional, conceived and designed by Jorge Silva / Silvadesigners.
By exploring the collection’s potential to operate as an archive with which to build several historical interpretations and critical approaches to Portuguese design and its social, cultural, and political context, we openly disassemble a collection in order to assemble an exhibition, within a partnership between Imprensa Nacional and Casa do Design. This exhibition does not intend to legitimise the prevailing historiographic narrative with its cult of authorship, nor does it intend to strictly commit to historical counternarratives that aim to depatriarchise, decolonise, or deauthorise design; it is a simultaneously modest and exciting exhibition, exploring research methodologies based on an archive, as we believe design and its production ought to be understood in context. Coleção D started in 2011. So far, 15 monographs, mainly visual, dedicated to Portuguese designers of different areas and generations have been published. PART 01 R2 (Lizá Defossez Ramalho, Artur Rebelo) Victor Palla Fred Kradolfer Luís Miguel Castro João da Câmara Leme Roberto Nobre Carlos Guerreiro Dorindo Carvalho Vítor da Silva